Friday, June 14, 2013

Movie Review - FAST & FURIOUS 6

     I am not a fan of the franchise and I admit I have not seen all of them but some friends wanted to see it so I did without expecting much. As expected, the movie was filled with nice cars, a lot of action and women in skimpy clothes. What I did not expect though, is to find myself actually enjoying it. I am really glad that they brought Michelle Rodriguez back. It’s just not the Fast and the Furious without her being her tough-chick-who-will-kick-your-ass-so-hard-you’ll-have-permanent-shoulder-pads-when-you-wake-up usual self. And because the producers probably thought that one chunk of muscle who can’t act is not enough for this action packed movie, they added Dwayne Johnson to the cast. But at least the Rock’s acting is passable and tolerable and manages to make his character as a DSS agent believable. I know Vin Diesel is supposed to be this badass guy but I am amazed how he manages to meet his ex-lover whom he thought was dead for the longest time, take a bullet from her, pull it out himself and still keep a straight emotionless face with an equally emotionless voice. The rest of the cast were… okay. ‘Nuff said. But who the hell sees Fast & Furious to see award winning acting right? We see it for the action!!! And believe me this movie has a lot, maybe a bit too much. 

     There are specifically some scenes where you might find yourself asking if you are still watching the same movie and not the Avengers ‘cause there is NO WAY a normal human being could do that. And in probably the longest runway on Earth is another scene that will make you question your notion of what is possible or not. It is exciting and amazing to see what these guys could do with their cars, who cares if it’s within the realm of reality and possibility? Definitely not the writers. There are just too much ludicrous things going on that suspending your disbelief is no longer a choice but a necessity if you want to make it till the end.  In any case, putting together all its elements, the movie works and is sure to keep you at the edge of your seat.


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