Saturday, June 22, 2013

Movie Review - World War Z

     As with any other film about a zombie apocalypse, World War Z, directed by Marc Forster, starts with a spread of a zombie virus and one person takes on the challenge of finding a vaccine to save the rest of humanity that managed to stay well, human. So while the story offers nothing new, with past movies with the same theme offering much more interesting plots, World War Z gives us a new take on the undead. After playing too much Plants vs. Zombies, seeing Warm Bodies and having watched Steve Tyler judge in AI, I guess I have lost all sense of fear for zombies. But the movie veers away from that and gives back to the zombies the scariness they once had and a little more. Gone are the days where even your 90 year old grandma on a wheel chair can outrun a zombie. World War Z gives us the undead on steroids and probably another illegal substance. We get zombies who can run fast, jump high and build a pyramid that would probably put the best cheer leading teams to shame.

     It is fun and exciting to watch with all the chasing and is never short of heart-stopping scenes but it is a bit predictable since story-wise it offers nothing we haven't seen before. But with protagonist Gerry Lane played by Brad Pitt, we still get a character that is interesting and likable and will get you to watch through until the next action packed scene. Seriously I have yet to see a character played by Brad that I did not like. Israeli actress Daniella Kertesz's performance as Gerry's bodyguard was not bad as well, hopefully we get to see more of her in Hollywood. I had expected more of the film. I think that a lot could be improved in terms of story and could have added more gore to be believable and realistic. If you are looking for hardcore zombie killing spree with more blood than your local blood bank, then the movie probably isn't for you. But if you are just looking for an entertaining film that offers just the right amount of thrill and excitement, then World War Z is worth checking out.

RATING: 3.5/5

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